It is #FishFriday and I am bringing you the beautiful Butterflyfish!

Four Eyed Butterfly of Cozumel

The beautiful Butterflyfish can be found on reefs all over the planet. There are close to 100 species! Like Angelfish, the Butterfly mates for life. Butterflyfish are a good indicator species of the health of a reef. A healthy reef will have many Butterflyfish, while one that is suffering may see a rapid decline in numbers. Butterflyfish are “cleaner” fish, fish that show a feeding strategy providing a service to other species by removing dead skin, parasites, and infected tissue from the surface or gill chambers. Butterflies are very helpful to large pelagic species like Mantas and Molas!

butterfly, butterflyfish, Fish friday, #fishfriday
Vagabond Butterflyfish in Indonesia

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Published by tamwarnerminton

Tam is an author, travel writer, photographer and enthusiastic scuba diver. Her blog, Travels with Tam, chronicles her adventures all over the globe. Her New 2nd Edition of ALL FISH FACES, encourages everyone, especially kids, to participate in citizen science, learn about the ocean, and help preserve our ocean resources. By participating in scientific research expeditions all over the world Tam is able to introduce readers to a variety of fish and marine life. As a former University Lecturer and College Consultant, Tam is a true believer that knowledge is power, and education is always a positive force. By encouraging our kids to care about ocean animals, we may be able to save the ocean for future generations.

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